White Papers
Below are white papers approved by the Texas Groundwater Protection Committee listed in order of publication date. These white papers summarize the best available scientific data on a specific groundwater issue, identify areas where there is insufficient scientific data to thoroughly assess the issue, evaluate the effectiveness of existing regulatory programs to address the issue, and provide recommendations or policy options regarding the issue. Additional white papers are currently under development.
The Texas Groundwater Protection Committee grants permission for the use of this information as a free service to the public. White papers may be referenced, printed in their entirety, or linked to on the Internet, provided that attribution remains.
- The Process for Independent Data Sources to Submit Information to the TGPC for Consideration in PGMA Studies (January 2017, PDF)
- How is Groundwater Quality Affected by Failing On-Site Sewage Facilities (OSSFs) ? (January 2019, PDF)
- How is Groundwater Quality Affected by Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) ? (July 2019, PDF)
- Transboundary Groundwater Resources along the Texas-Mexico Border (July 2019, PDF)
- Aguas Subterráneas Transfronterizas a lo largo de la Frontera Texas-México (julio de 2019, PDF)
- How is Groundwater Quality Affected by Wellhead Impacts from Flooding during Natural Disasters ? (July 2021, PDF)
- ET Networks and the Protection of Groundwater Supplies and Quality (January 2022, PDF)
- Opportunities and Challenges in Aquifer Storage and Recovery (July 2022, PDF)
- Abandoned Water Wells and the Challenges They Pose (April 2023, PDF)
- Prioritizing New Drinking Water Infrastructure Funding in Texas (April 2023, PDF)
- Groundwater Quality Protection Through Monitoring (October 2024, PDF)
- Children’s Health and Groundwater Quality at Child Care Operations Using Private Water Wells (January 2025, PDF)
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