Texas Water Development Board’s Role in TGPC

Texas Water Development Board Web site

The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) holds the vice chair on the Texas Groundwater Protection Committee. TWDB is responsible for statewide water planning, collection and maintenance of water resource information, and administration of financial assistance programs for water supply, water quality, flood control, and agricultural water conservation projects. TWDB is responsible for the State Water Plan, which provides for the orderly development, management, and conservation of the state's resources. Regional water planning serves as the basis for this report.


In relation to groundwater, TWDB is primarily responsible for groundwater and water well data, water planning, and research.

Groundwater Data

Through its groundwater resource assessment program, TWDB conducts studies to assess the state's aquifers. As part of its assessment effort, the TWDB conducts statewide groundwater level measurements and groundwater quality sampling programs.

Groundwater Models

The Groundwater Modeling Program assists planning efforts by using state-of-the-art publicly available groundwater flow models. TWDB Groundwater Availability Models (GAMs) are available for over two dozen major and minor aquifers in the state.

More information regarding the various groundwater protection programs within this agency can be found in the current version of the TGPC's Joint Groundwater Monitoring and Contamination Report.